英法|加拿大小朋友课后都在用的法语练习册Canadian Curriculum FrenchSmart Grade 4 适合A1
英法|加拿大小朋友课后都在用的法语练习册Canadian Curriculum FrenchSmart Grade 4 适合A1
加拿大课程 FrenchSmart 有助于系统地补充和巩固您的孩子在学校所学到的知识。这些引人入胜的活动涵盖了法语学习的主要领域:词汇积累、语法、阅读和用法。在需要时提供英文插图,以确保您的孩子自信地学习。 Canadian Curriculum FrenchSmart helps supplement and consolidate what your child has learned at school in a systematic way. The engaging activities cover the major areas in learning French: vocabulary building, grammar, reading, and usage. Illustrations in English are provided where needed to ensure that your child learns with confidence.